Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Portage: DeGraaff family reunion

at the pool in Malad

Watch out Williams sisters

Grandma Maxine and Suz heading to the bowery

Cham Posin'

Derrek tap dancing

Ari buckin bronco

"I want another build-a-bear. NOW!"

Cham ruled the school

SumSum - Hollywood'n


Under the slide

Tennis Pro


1 comment:

Larissa said...

Ohhhh, can I post our family pics? Especially the one with you doing "you know what?" Have you seen it yet, cuz it's awesome! Summer's face is the best. It's hilarious. Derrek has the pics, check 'em out.

This post just popped up while I was commenting on another. Geez man, you are on fire.