Saturday, August 2, 2008

Macie, Mom and I went to the Monet to Picasso exhibit at the U - Awesome!

Rodin's thinker - all of our favorite sculpture. Thinker was originally meant to depict Dante in front of the Gates of Hell, pondering his great poem

Claude Monet - The Red Kerchief.  This was Macies favorite. She said it reminded her of little red riding hood. 

Salvador Dali - This was Mom's favorite - just like our dreams - seems so real but sometimes interpreting the meaning may be difficult

Maligliani - Portrait of a woman

       Van Gogh - The Poplars - My favorite - Macie's second favorite. Up close the texture was so thick and brush strokes so chaotic we couldn't tell what the picture was. Stepping back the beautiful landscape became apparent.

Picasso - Another of Macie's favorites. She saw the violin before I did. 


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