What a wonderful day indeed! At precisley 6:00 AM as I was walking into the gym I got a text from Rex. Yes, those of you who know him are undoubtedly scratching your head at this last statement. Rex at 6:anything AM is more rare than an 1880 Carson City Morgan Dollar. More rare than spotting a Southwestern Willow Flycatcher nesting in your yard. Nothing, not golf (free or otherwise), not Lake Powell, not free $100 bills tossed from a helicopter in the Usana parking lot (Adam and I fell for that ol' chestnut) yes, not even Santa himself Christmas morning when Rex was a kid could get him to rise before the 7 O'Clock whistle. That all changed yesterday. 6:00am - "we go in at 7:15 this morning!!! Holy Cow!!"
6:58am - call to Rex. No Answer
7:04am - call to Rex. No Answer
7:08am - missed call from Rex
7:55am - call to Rex - confirmed they were in the hospital contracts were 2 min apart
10:45am - Text to Rex "What's the latest?"
10:48am - Text from Rex "Contracting about every two minutes. Checking the Cervex in a few."
11:38am - Text to Rex "Now what?"
11:39am - Text from Rex "Cervex wall is 90% gone. Breaking water between noon and 1:00"
11:40am - Text to Rex "Then how long?"
11:41am - Text from Rex "Not sure. She's only dilated to a 2"
11:59am - Side note not really related - Blackberry Word of the day came in "Tantara - the blast of a trumpet"
1:00:43pm - Side note from my mom - "damn beer-drinkin gun-slingin Republicans" not sure what this was in reference to. I still need to ask her.
1:00:46 Text from Rex "Water Broke"
1:07pm Text to Rex "Push Push, what is she dilated to?"
1:08pm Text from Rex "Not sure, checking soon"
1:29pm Suzanne and I depart from Broadway en Route to St. Marks
1:29pm Text from Rex "Are any hair yet?" not sure what this meant. I think he was asking if I was there yet
1:39pm Text from Mom "Bella is coming... contractions 2 min apart & real intense. Water broke hr ago"
1:40pm Text to Mom "we're on our way"
1:42pm Text from Mom "K. So excited!"
1:58pm Text from Mom "Lady in next room screaming like a banchee - they need to shut that #$%$ up"
2:01pm Text to Mom "We're here, how close is she?"
2:08pm Text from Mom "Seriously considering pain meds! Very close together - wont be long now
2:09pm Text to Mom "We're at the cafeteria. Are you hungry?"
2:12pm Text from Mom "No thanks... yea, we need that epiderial NOW!!"
*NOTE from about 2pm until 3pm Suzi and I ate at the subway downstairs at St. Marks. I had 1 and 1/2 meatball subs.. Suzi had 1/2 meatball subs.
2:19pm Text from Mom "here comes epi"
2:44pm Text from Mom "takes 20 min for epi to kick in. OUCH!"
*Note back upstairs, Rex indicates he wants a subway. Back downstairs to get Turkey on Wheat.
3:24pm Text from Bud "do u know how things r going?"
3:39pm Text to Bud "yes. She's dilated to a 4, just had epi. Should be in the next 2 hours"
3:40pm Text from Bud "Thanks buddy"
from 4:00-4:05 adam texts trying to remember the name of a Jennifer Connelley movie.. turns out to be Requium for a dream.
4:10 Suzi and I arrive back at XO
4:30 Suzi and I leave to go back to the hospital
4:31 Suzi gets stopped in the hall by her boss.
4:39 Text to Mom "Now what?"
4:41 Text from Mom "Bella coming NOW! Dial to 10 !!!!"
4:49 Text from Mom as we are pulling into the hospital "There is a little homeless girl here that is so hungry bring food!"
4:54 BELLA IS HERE! First pictures of Bella.